What you eat and how much you eat, can make or break your progress.
If you have tried fad diets, fat loss pills, magic potions, prepackaged foods and other social media driven quick fix gimmicks and are still at a place without answers or results, you will find them here. Our nutrition team can provide you with the knowledge you need to move forward in your relationship with food to gain the physique and healthy body you desire.
This is a one-time consult where we discuss the findings from questions we send to potential clients. We talk about your goals, food relationships, bloodwork & hormonal health, tracked food to identify metabolic health and your activity.
We also teach you about what macros are, how to track them, and how to create a meal plan on your own.
Nutrition Consult from up above + the following:
Personalized meal plan based around foods you like or macro goals per meal for you to follow.
Weekly accountability check-ins (Body stats, measurements, weight, pictures & questions).
Weekly changes to macros as needed.
Weekly changes to meal plan as requested and needed.
Access to our team.